Rabbi: Rabbi Nachi Klein
Haggadah – Why is Lavan so bad?
Rabbi: Rabbi Nachi Klein
Thoughts before last minyan in Northridge (for now)
Gates of Bitachon- Introduction
Rabbi: Rabbi Nachi Klein | Series: Bitachon
Bitachon: chapter 1 & 2 – 7 Qualities to Trust Someone (Plus roadkill, rubbernecking, and judging Hashem favorably)
Rabbi: Rabbi Nachi Klein | Series: Bitachon
Rav tzadok – 49 – The Area That You Struggle is the Key to your Purpose
Rabbi: Rabbi Nachi Klein
Prayer: Reruns, Redos and Feelings
Rabbi: Rabbi Nachi Klein
Parshas Vaeira – Plagues of Senses
Rabbi: Rabbi Nachi Klein
Parshas Shemos: Analyzing the Title of Book #2
Rabbi: Rabbi Nachi Klein
Bishul Akum Scenario: Cooked Rice
Rabbi: Rabbi Nachi Klein